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Saturday, August 16, 2008

Murder Checkers?



Joe said...

Can't wait. I seriously can't wait.

Dixons said...

Love that!!! That seriously made my day. We can't wait for Office nights again! Your HB post made me so homesick for So Cal!

Hollie said...



Ashley said...

Ha ha this is funny. I just posted something about the office on my blog cause I am getting so excited. I am gonna add you guys to my bloggers list. You can add our of you want. It's lukenslife.blogspot. I enjoy reading your guys' blog.

Candice & Lindsey said...

I heart Dwight Shrute! Seriously, this is my FAVORITE show!!!

mY dEwDrOpS said...

erik riewerts!! how are you?? this is katie payne from back in the day! i ran into your blog from reagan beatty's. i haven't seen you since you 1st moved to cali. your daughter is adorable! email me and i'll add you to my readers list. pitwithbell@hotmail.com