Wow...the most amazing experience of our lives and she arrived on time. 7:05pm on 30 Jan 2008 she was 7lbs and 19 3/4 iches at the time of birth. She is as happy and healthy as can be and just loves hanging out with mom and dad. She loved her bath time and was looking forward to her manicure and pedicure...little did she know that she is gonna have to wait for that. She is already being super spoiled. Mom is doing great and had about 24hrs of labor. We should be heading home on Sat morning. Enjoy the pics and more to come.
Yeah! She's perfect and so beautiful! And it looks like she's got quite a bit of hair. I am seriously so so excited for you guys! As everybody will tell you, life will never be the's much much better!
I'm impressed with you Eric, getting this pictures up so quick! Rachel Nicole is beautiful and you guys look so happy! Way to go Teresa - labor is over and life with your precious new daughter begins! Can't wait to talk to you more. Love you guys!
OH YEAH! I'm so excited for you guys and that mom and baby are doing good! She is beautiful! I can't wait for more pics!
Congrats guys! She is beautiful! live it up whil eyou can in the hospital!
Congrats....she is beautiful. What a lucky little princess she is. I can't wait to hear her say, "Daddy, credit card please"...theresa, I can't wait to hear all about becoming a up and dream about the nights of uninterupted sleep. Love, The Hill Family
Congrats!!! Being parents is the best(until they get a hold of a permanent marker and draw all over the house:))Everyday your with this little girl you will understand what love really means!! We are so excited for all the new, excited experience you will have with little Nicole!!! Yeah!!
congrats on the baby! She is a pretty little thing!!!
My beautiful niece was born last night on my birthday! She is gorgeous and I know she has some proud parents. We love you Rachel and we can't wait to meet you. You have some cousins who think you are pretty cute too. William just grinned so big when he saw the pictures.
SO CUTE!I love the look of peace on t's face. She's is going to KILL you for posting some of those pictures :)
Woah, 24 hours of labor - that's rough! Way to go. She's beautiful!
She is beautiful!! Good job guys! Welcome to never sleeping again. Just kidding it gets easier.
SO SO exciting. Congratulations!! We can't wait to see her!
We love little Rachel already! We could not be happier for you guys.
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