Last weekend I made it out to CA to see Brad's wedding. Great times and a fun guys weekend. Hit up all my favorite eating spots ( I heart TK), got dressed up to surf but had to turn around (thanks Ocean for being high tide and shore break that morning), stayed up late nights catching up with friends and crashed at Adam's house for the weekend. All in all a good time but more important so stoked to see Brad get married. Congrats little caught yourself a good one.
Our first snow fall was around the first week of October but it didn't amount to much. The storm I am referring to happened a few days before Halloween on the 28th. About 16 inches fell over two days. The pics below are from just the first morning. We didn't really get any photos after the second day because I had to fly out to UT for work the next morning....yes that's right about scared me to death. Especially since the next morning was a full on blizzard and I had to take a puddle jumper type plane....thanks Frontier. Rachel loved the snow though and we got her an outfit to play in. She loved the snowman we made together the first day and now anytime she sees snow she screams "SNOWMAN!" We also bought her a sled. She was a little unsure the first couple times down the small hill in our front yard but after about two times down she started saying "seat daddy, seat, push" Even with a runny nose and being cold she wanted to continue to be pushed down that hill over and over again.
Great weather and times this year for Halloween. A few weeks prior we went to the pumpkin patch to get our pumpikns. Due to a recent snow storm a few days earlier the pumpikns froze and weren't in the greatest of conditions. But we made lemonade our of lemons found a few pumpkins that looked half way decent, checked out the petting farm and enjoyed some pumpkin bread. The night of Halloween Rachel dressed up as a dog that doubled as a head warmer. We weren't sure if Rachel would understand what Halloween was all about, lets just say that notion was gone before we even showed up to the first house. Needless to say she had it down pat and racked in all the good stuff for Mom and Dad and yes herself. Enjoy the pics:
The second weekend of October we flew out to Utah to attend Baby Ania's blessing. We had an awesome time from seeing Becs score her first goal, Rachel playing Golf for the first time and playing football with the boys. The highlight of course was being able to finally meet Ania. She is such a beautiful baby and definitely worth the wait. Her spirit was so strong and we are so grateful she is a part of the family. Lets be honest though, we are bummed that the following week Jon, Liz and Ania moved to Poland. Yes that's right, Poland. I guess our relationship for now will have to flurish on Skype. Here are some pics from the weekend.